Monday, May 26, 2008

Getting the proper tease

One of the issues with the ONTE site is the hassel with downloading the proper higest quality version of the picture sets. Some sets come in plain size, others in both plain and large sizes and some, luckily most these days, comes in ultra high quality too.

This article will give you one way to filter out all the unwanted versions of the zipped picture sets.

In order for this to work you have to go to every month you wish to download.

Then you should save every month on the site to a htm file, no need to save the graphics along, just keep it to html only. Secondly you have to remove all newlines, carrige returns and tabs from the htm files..

You can accomplish that by running a TR command on the commandline in the OS of your choice.

The TR should look like the one below.

tr -d "\n\r\t" < onteXYZ.htm > onteXYZ.html
Do that on every page you saved. Once they are all saved to their .html counterpart, then run the command below.
grep -Po "http://[\w.]+/members/(.....)?zips/[-\w]+\.zip(?=..[\w ]+.?\([\d]+.[\d]+ MB\)./div../div.)" onte*.html
That will extract all the picture zip files in the higest quality available. No need to filter stuff manually. And no need to clean up after the download.

What the grep actually does is to look for any http:// link which links to a zip file and have some trailings which consists of two ending div's.

Have a look below to better understand the result.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tease and please for show

The csv for the Only Tease site has had a rest of updates since January 2008. The previous maintainer is MIA and that put a stop to a very good csv set.

BUT!, times change and I can happily annouce that new updates are on the way. A source has sprung and this means that new csvs for the ONTE site is arriving at VG and mirrors.

So that you can all enjoy some nice sorting of your downloads.

Here's some cover teasers.

Monday, May 5, 2008

TXT2WJR gets graphical

New version, now with GUI, bugfixes and new feature.

Program purpose:
Convert a text file with url's and an optional text file with directory names into a proper ReGet Deluxe download queue. Ready for downloading.
New features:
  • Appends to an existing ReGet queue if one is choosen
  • Set cookie (optional)
  • Set referer (optional)
  • Set username (optional)
  • Set password (optional)
  • Handles target directories as both absolut and relative or plain.
You can have a quick look at the GUI for TXT2WJR v0.04. This tiny GUI is made with Microsoft C# language and some stuff called WPF which is hidden inside .NET framework v3.5. It's all some new Microsoft Windows Siesta (sorry Vista) jazz. Anyway, it is my first attempt ever on writing a C# program, at the same time it is my first time ever with .NET and even my first time with WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). So bare with me if it looks and acks like something the cat dragged in.

This package will be available as a ZIP download hosted on MediaFire sometime pretty darn soon. (When I bother to package it, hehe).