Monday, June 16, 2008

Beginners guide to site ripping (3) - Tools

In the article "Beginners guide to site ripping (2) - Check & CSV" we spoke of differnet tools to make a csv.

There are quite a few tools which come into question in regard to csvs. The best are listed below.

The first 4 tools are all collection managers. Which means that they can make a csv and they can sort files according to csvs (ecsv's). They can keep all your csvs in views for later and manage your collections of csv'd material.

The 5th tool, ScanSort, is not a collection manager, it is a tool for sorting contents according to the layout of a ecsv file. ScanSort is a command line tool and thus has no graphical interface.

The 6th tool, fastCSV is a tool for making csvs, it cannot sort files according to an ecsv. This tool is also a commandline tool and has no graphical user interface.

The 7th tool, CSV Workshop, is a tool for viewing csvs and finding problems among ecsvs. This includes internal and external dupes and other nasty things.

All 7 tools are designed for Windows, but there should be a possibility to port PSPV to other platforms as this is written in Perl mainly.

Most of the tools are not maintained any longer and some of them suffer from age, as example CSV Workshop which cannot correctly display the proper internal size of a ecsv file if it holds data above 4Gb.

I digged up some old tutorials for you to read.

Download: Muleskinners guide to Hunter
Download: PigVomit's guide to Hunter
Download: PWA's guide to The!Cheker
Download: PigVomit's guide to The!Checker
Download: ScanSort How To
Download: CSV Workshop screenshots and guide

PSPV (PhotoServe Professional Verify) is similar to PSCU (PServeCheck Ultimate) and both tools are very new tools and they both gets maintained on a constant basis. Both tools are by far way more advanced (not complex!) and faster than any of the other tools listed.

Both tools are rather intuitive and can peform a bunch of tasks. Some of the features in these tools are as follows.

  • Automatic download of updated csvs from repository sites.
  • Disk space management which automatically moves contents around when needed.
  • Hunting/sorting from raw, zip and rar files.
  • Integrated uploads of updated csvs.
  • Integrated and automatic leech of collections.
  • Mass Miss/Wrong and Needs csv fill possibilities.
  • Automatic mass collection setup.
  • Internal dupe and unwanted file detection.
  • Cache for ultra fast sorting/hunting.
  • Complete filter views for collection groups.
  • View filters for: ongoing, pre-final, final, need to check, ready to burn, burned.
  • Direct integration to Nero and ImgBurn.
  • HTML reports and backup status.
  • Empty directory cleanup.
  • CSV and report cleanup.
  • Leech priority.

World premiere - PSCU
More screenshots here, here and here.

MG is proud to offer you the first public release of PServeCheck Ultimate Edition v4.5.1.45 right here. As with PSPV (the Perl relative to PSCU) this tools is a community tool which has been restricted for a select few for about 6 years. Read the file 'readme.txt' before you run the program and bare in mind that PSCU and PSPV are not meant to be standalone collection managers, as with Hunter or The!Checker. What you get here today is only 1/4th of the full package.

A big salute and thanks to The2nd for quickly assembling a 'standalone' version of PSCU for release here on MG, alongside being the author of PSCU.

Also thanks to the staff at VG for the triggerpack which follows the release. Shouts to Austria for the programming and to Canada for the servers and service at VG.

PSCU quick install:
Just a quick note. There are 2 groups among the trigges which are extendable. The groups are: 'Custom' and 'My Personal Collections' where you can add your own custom stuff. When PSCU refers to the mIRC path then point it the proper directory of the unzip. Edit and check the file remote.ini before you launch the executable the first time.

We will put an article about usage of PSCU.

At the end of this article PSPV is still community tools and thus not open for everybody to use.


nanoflower said...

Okay.. I'm at a loss on how to get PSCU set up. Everytime I run it I get two errors, then it asks for my Mirc directory path and then it exits.

The errors are:
Could not find Triggername
Could not find Extra file dir

Can you provide any pointers? I can't find anything about it in the online help

Anonymous said...

Same problem here. Where i can download version

Anonymous said...

Can you give me an invitation code?
t o s t i s @ i n w i n d . i t